Friday 21 September 2012

Simple but cute!

During the last trip to Hobby Craft I have decided to have a wander around the shop and see what other little gems they have hidden. Hobby Craft is great as it has massive variety of different arts & crafts supplies. Ranging from cupcake making or card making to jewellery!

So.... I have come across some really cute wooden leopard print buttons and figured they would make amazing earrings that are unique and stylish! Afterwards I couldn't wait to get home and get stuck in!!! The design is very simple and takes only 2 minutes. I am considering adding some little pearly colored roses in the middle of the button but haven't yet decided if I want to make them more "blingy" however would spruce up the design if you wanted to hide the holes in the middle. Have a play around and see what suits your liking.

Things that you will need:

  • 2 buttons to your liking
  • 3cm of 0.6mm wire
  • 2 earring wires (can be handmade)
  • Wire cutters
  • Flat nose pliers
  • 2 mins of your time!
Here is the result: (Without the roses... Should I add them? How CUTE are the buttons?!)

What do you think? ;)

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